Even if you didn’t pre order, if you got far enough in the game you should have a couple of Batman skins.Īt the main menu go to Showcase. If you pre ordered the game you should have a couple of Batman skins and a Batmobile skin. Clayface is the one using the slang and never uses the Joker's nicknames for you.Now you do need to have extra skins in order to do this. A few times, Joker's speech patterns change a bit, like him using some British slang and being inconsistent in calling Batman "Bats" or "Batsy".During one of the Joker's broadcasts when he reveals that he has taken the cure, the actual Joker holding the camera coughs.Using Detective Vision during the fistfight with Joker later will reveal that he has no skeleton, just like Clayface in Arkham Asylum.There was no mirror, just a pane of glass. It's easy to chalk it up to one of Batman's hallucinations, but if you look closely, you can see the other Joker walking away -that's the real Joker and you're now talking to Clayface. When Batman confronts the Joker after he got the cure, Joker is examining himself in a mirror, looking diseased, then turns around revealing he's healthy again.Both are clues that indicate that there are two Jokers, one of them real and the other actually Clayface. One of them is faxed with a scribbled message that reads "Get well soon, Mr. Freeze, when Batman opens the safe and finds that the cure has vanished, there are two Joker cards. During the second infiltration of the Mill, one piece of Enemy Chatter you can catch has two mooks claiming that they each just saw the Joker in two wildly different locations.One Mook says "It's like he was a completely different person before, but now he's back to his old self again." It's actually the other way around. Just before you need to infiltrate the Steel Mill for the second time, some Enemy Chatter can be heard discussing The Joker's newfound health.When she protests that she wants to know Batman's true identity, Joker replies "Nobody's who you think they are, my dear."

What's particularly interesting is that this happens at a very early point in the game, and the statement isn't clarified until the very end. That's because she briefly mistook Clayface's Joker form for the real Joker. After Harley Quinn locks you out of Joker's office, you can hear her say "Oh, Mr J, it's a miracle! You look perfect! Oh, wait, that's not you, is it.?" to which Joker's voice can be heard telling her to shush.There are a lot of hints dropped about Clayface impersonating the Joker.