Stellaris download free
Stellaris download free

The Raise Awareness espionage operation now prevents pre-ftl Awareness from naturally decaying for 5 years.Pre-FTL Awareness cannot naturally decay below 10.Hive-Minds with both Cordyceptic Drones and Stargazers now start with 3 reanimated amoebae.Increased starbase reactor power by roughly 15%.* Fixed an issue where a Payback empire using the End Threat (Payback) war goal against the MSI could end with a whimper instead of as intended. * Payback empires now get a consolatory prize if the MSI gets destroyed by a Marauder empire * Payback origin: fixed a rare instance where the Debt Collectors event chain could get soft locked if the debt collectors were defeated by another empire * Slightly increased surrender acceptance of Payback war goals * Fixed Payback war goals to ensure you can’t vassalize or impose ideology on homicidal empires * The Debt collectors won’t bug you anymore if you’re currently at war with the MSI * If you defeat the Debt Collectors three times, the MSI will use the Humiliate war goal against you instead of trying to vassalize you Pre-FTL civilizations now have a chance of having a “close call” when nuclear war threatens to break out.

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